
Macular degeneration is a disorder characterised by a deterioration of the retina.  The retina records images and sends them to the brain. This condition affects the central part of the retina, the macula. 1 in 2,000 individuals in the U.S. and other first world countries suffer from AMD.

The macula's role is to focus the eye's central vision thus controlling the ability to read, recognize colors and faces, see objects, and drive a vehicle. When this part of the retina degenerates, the affected person loses their vision.

AMD occurs in three stages:

  • Early AMD
  • Intermediate AMD
  • Late AMD


During the first stage, vision loss is rare. In the intermediate stage, some people experience vision loss; however, the symptoms may still go undetected. In the late stages, vision loss is much more noticeable.

Also Known As

  • Age related maculopathy
  • AMD
  • ARMD
  • Macular degeneration, age-related


Signs & Symptoms

During the early stages, the signs below tend to go unnoticed:

  • An empty or dark area in the centre part of vision
  • Objects look distorted
  • Straight lines appear crooked or wavy
  • Loss of color vision
  • Inability to view objects clearly